Worldwide Airways choice to replace our old Airbus a318 and A320 by the Neo version (IDG-A32XNeo) of the A320 Family. The farewell flight of our old airbuses will arrive in the few day: check out all the information about it on our Flightgear forum page! Furthemore the inaugural flight of our new airbus Neo arrive more later, check the info too for this event! Theses event also work with ATC, and everyone can join it on the right airport, and respect the restriction if they exists. You can use FGcom (Multiplayer chat) and Mumble too! Stay connected for more about this events!
The First flight of our new aircraft: the Airbus A330-303 start friday 10 february 2017 on Flightgear multiplayer! We celebrate the enter of this aircraft in the company. This event was organized by Worldwide Airways Virtual Airline.
Everybody can join the event in the time and at the location determined for this event.