Worldwide Airways

The Airbus A380-800

A flying city...

The biggest aircraft. Ever...

The Airbus A380 is the most big aircraft in the world and of the 21 century... He is consists of two deck access by two staircases. He can transport 525 has 800 people in configuration three classes or one unique class. He has a 15 400 kilometer scope, what allows him to fly from New York to Hong-Kong without stopover, at the speed of 910 kph (Mach 0,85) up to 1 012 kph (Mach 0,94)


The World Traveller.

The A380 can bring you all around the world thanks to his big scope, and in the biggest of the comforts. His spacious and silent cabin: she has 50 % of more surface and convertible volume than 747, as well as bigger portholes and compartments luggage. The lighting of the cabin, the cockpit and the bridge the cargo boat uses LED and maybe modified to create various atmospheres or to feign the day or the night.

He possesses a detailed and functional cockpit, by following the philosophy Airbus, with in particular " glass cockpit " and with autopilot function, control panels (check the engine temperature, the cabin pressure...) modern FMC.


The A380 resumes the principle of the electric orders of flight or fly by wire introduced in the 1980's on A320, and of the active generalized control (CAG) commanded by side minihandle but the mechanical orders of help disappear because they showed themselves useless on the previous planes. 


Takeoff at San Francisco airport runway 28R.
Takeoff at San Francisco airport runway 28R.

The Airbus A380-800 is available in Flightgear website in Zip file.

Other version more detailed of this Airbus are available in hangars like Omega Hangar