Hello! I am the founder of Worldwide Airways Virtual and World Cargo Airways. This blog is for you... Simple person who are interested by virtual airline or pilot of our virtual airline; you are
welcome here to talk, discuss with other people in this specific space! Talk about everything about our airline, Flightgear, planes...
have a nice day!
Hello! Haha yes the Chinese element here is our logo (that transport values taht we want to share), but we are an international Virtual Airline, not Chinese ;)
Écrire commentaire
Seletti (mardi, 17 janvier 2017 16:24)
Hello! I am the founder of Worldwide Airways Virtual and World Cargo Airways. This blog is for you... Simple person who are interested by virtual airline or pilot of our virtual airline; you are welcome here to talk, discuss with other people in this specific space! Talk about everything about our airline, Flightgear, planes...
have a nice day!
2 (dimanche, 03 décembre 2017 05:47)
Wow It's surprising to see Chinese here!
Seletti (dimanche, 03 décembre 2017 12:00)
Hello! Haha yes the Chinese element here is our logo (that transport values taht we want to share), but we are an international Virtual Airline, not Chinese ;)